Thursday, June 2, 2011

Operation Starve The Beast

Well today I had my Epiphany, the moment I realized I can and will no longer support Our Federal Government with my wages through Federal taxes. I was on lunch and reading Infowars checking out news stories when I saw this story about a woman/mother who screamed for help as she was being sexually groped by a TSA Blue shirt at Sky Harbor airport on Memorial Day. She called for the police but instead of getting help she was told to go back for further groping or she would NOT be allowed to fly! I thought to myself after I was back to work from my lunch, What if this was my Tammy who had her breast grabbed by one of these perverts, how much longer must we tolerate this Tyranny at our airports? Everyday I see countless articles detailing OUR Federal government's stripping of Ours/My Constitutional freedoms while they snub their noses at our pleadings to stop! This evening after I got home from the store I saw this Video regarding OathKeepers honoring the slain Marine Jose Manuel Guerena who had fought through two tours of duty in Iraq was Assassinated in his OWN home by a Pima County Kill team sent to carry out a Fraudulent Search Warrant looking for stolen contraband & possible narcotics. He had just gotten home & to bed after a 12 hour shift working in local mine and was awakened by his wife who saw a masked gunman outside their window. He grabbed his weapon & went to investigate but never took off his safety before he was brutally shot 61 times!
In the last month we have seen our 4th Amendment rights Eliminated by the courts,our 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights are under assault as well & Our states 10th Amendment Rights are ignored by the Obama administration!
After thinking on many of these things as well as our leaders debating about the Financial insanity they have created for us it was then I had the Epiphany/D-Oh moment-My hard earned money via Federal taxes via withholding is paying for Mine/Our Enslavement/Tyranny!
No Longer! I will No Longer Feed the Beast that is working overtime to enslave & is slowly Killing US!
So what I'm going to do starting my 2nd paycheck this month is to change my withholding status so no longer will MY hard earned money will be funding this Tyranny via Federal taxes! I will still have state & local taxes withheld but starting the week of July 4th 2011 I'm declaring My/Our Independence Day from this Federal BEAST!
I believe this is not only the Best way of beating them it is what Our Fore-Father's would endorse for US to do as well! This Government is bloated & Corrupt & the Only thing the Majority members of Both parties in Congress can agree on doing other than stripping Our Constitution and our freedoms away is Stealing from US! By denying the BEAST it's FOOD (Our Income) we are drawing Our Line In The Sand & saying No Farther!
What can they do to me or Us that they already planning to do-destroy our currency via Hyper- Inflation and afterward declaring Martial Law & rounding up the Malcontents (you & me) so whether I go to prison sooner or a FEMA Detention camp later so what?
I can no longer in Good Conscience support this Tyranny with my Income & I firmly believe if Thousand's of US or more join me in this Tax Revolution we can at least grind the Tyranny to a halt for the short term & who knows maybe enough people will Awake out of their slumber and realize that their Freedoms are at stake and there is Something They can do to Stop it!
Will You Join Me?

Sunday, March 27, 2011